Monday, March 19, 2012

Vegetable land !

After the discovery of the rabbit, i finally began to feel more interested in the place. I started to walk around once again. This time i went outdoors, The moment i stepped out of the house,my vision blurred by the shining big sun! I was greeted by the gorgeous green land in a short distance away! At first glance, it simply seems like someone painted the entire big plot of land green! I was totally in awe. Gradually i regained my senses and my vision cleared and the green land revealed its "true identity" it was just crops that farmers were planting. That explained why the air in this area was so different from the air in Singapore. This is what people calls "Fresh air". The number of the plants was more than enough to shock me! I went to the Singapore Botanical Gardens before but it is nothing compared to this. This is truly one of the most significant sights of my life. 

large area of green land (Vegetable land !)

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