Monday, March 19, 2012

A different rabbit cage

As i tried to explore the place, i looked around the place, everything seemed to be made out of either bricks or wood, nothing else! What attracted me was some box-like structure that was made out of wood. I inched closer for a better view of it, as i slowly approach the box , my imagination went wild. In my mind i was thinking about all the different possibility of the contents of the box. However i saw something moved. It stunned me for a brief moment and i approached it once again. This time ,carefully, no longer so casual with myself imagining all the scenes i see on television. However the content was not anything like what i thought, It was a furry , adorable rabbit! There was two of them! I took a moment to observe them, cuddling up to each other, probably trying to keep each other warm since his place was a lot colder than Singapore.

Rabbits found inside the "box"(A different rabbit cage)

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