Monday, March 19, 2012

Beautiful ending

The second day of my trip was coming to an end and so is my holiday here. I enjoyed my stay more than i thought i would. In the end, i went to a nearby lake. The scenery was simply breathtaking! The sun shone as in slowly went to "hide" behind the mountains. the normal sunlight was now shining in a red light in the horizon. The blue sky was now in a beautiful orange and also blue colour, as if it was mirroring the colour of the sand and the sea. Things started to get dark and it gave off such an atmosphere that everything will eventually come to a close which include my trip here, the best way to end my trip here.

Safety first

After exploring the place, i realised something that was different compared to Singapore once again. I had passed it countless times yet it took me so long to see this. It was simply none other than the stairs. Of course it was not the kind of stairs that we see in our HDB flats in Singapore. Instead it was made out of wood again. If i didn't move up and down the stairs so many time i would have countless doubts about if the wood was strong enough to support my weight. It did not have any railing at all ! Now that i finally realise this, when i travel up the stairs once again, i moved slowly and cautiously, afraid that i would fall of the side or the wood might even break. However, i knew in my mind that my fears were for nothing.

Change of impression

The first day was history now and i began to really enjoy my trip here. Thinking back at the first impression of this place, my impression has completely changed by now. I have always thought that the only way to achieve happiness is with money but this place just proved my theory wrong.It did not have anything to do with high technology or anything expensive yet i am having the time of my life!

Vegetable land !

After the discovery of the rabbit, i finally began to feel more interested in the place. I started to walk around once again. This time i went outdoors, The moment i stepped out of the house,my vision blurred by the shining big sun! I was greeted by the gorgeous green land in a short distance away! At first glance, it simply seems like someone painted the entire big plot of land green! I was totally in awe. Gradually i regained my senses and my vision cleared and the green land revealed its "true identity" it was just crops that farmers were planting. That explained why the air in this area was so different from the air in Singapore. This is what people calls "Fresh air". The number of the plants was more than enough to shock me! I went to the Singapore Botanical Gardens before but it is nothing compared to this. This is truly one of the most significant sights of my life. 

large area of green land (Vegetable land !)

A different rabbit cage

As i tried to explore the place, i looked around the place, everything seemed to be made out of either bricks or wood, nothing else! What attracted me was some box-like structure that was made out of wood. I inched closer for a better view of it, as i slowly approach the box , my imagination went wild. In my mind i was thinking about all the different possibility of the contents of the box. However i saw something moved. It stunned me for a brief moment and i approached it once again. This time ,carefully, no longer so casual with myself imagining all the scenes i see on television. However the content was not anything like what i thought, It was a furry , adorable rabbit! There was two of them! I took a moment to observe them, cuddling up to each other, probably trying to keep each other warm since his place was a lot colder than Singapore.

Rabbits found inside the "box"(A different rabbit cage)

First impression

To reach this "Song Ji Xiang"  we had to take an airplane all the way to China, Xiamen, and then take a coach again. The whole journey took such a long time which made me wonder if this place is really worth the time taken to go there. The moment i got off the bus, we walked around and this was all i seen(the picture below). It was such a run-down place! I took so long just to get there and this is where i end up in some run-down ancient place. However i tried to look at the more positive side of the journey which is that i would be able to experience in a rural place. It was not something that we can experience in our daily lifes since i live in an urban city area like Singapore. 

Near by the entrance of "Song Ji Xiang" (First impression)